Hey tired parents, let’s talk nap transitions. Those elusive moments when you’re not sure if your little one needs to keep their current sleep schedule, if you should increase/decrease wake windows, or if it’s time to bid farewell to a nap. It’s like navigating a sleep labyrinth, but fear not, I’m here to guide you through the maze.
So, how do you in fact know if it’s time to drop one of your baby’s naps? Take a look at these criteria:
Age Matters: First things first, let’s check the age-o-meter. Different ages signal different nap transitions. If your baby is around 3-4 months, they might be ready to switch from 4 to 3 naps. Is your baby between 6 and 8 months? They are probably ready to transition from 3 naps to 2 naps! Fast forward to 12-16 months, it could be time to trim down from 2 to 1 nap. By the time they hit the grand age of 3-4 years, they might even wave goodbye to naps altogether…and that’s a very sad day.
The Sleep Latency Game: Ever heard of sleep latency? That’s the fancy pants term for the time it takes for your little one to drift off into dreamland. Ideally, we’re looking at a sweet spot of 5-15 minutes. Anything less might mean they’re overtired, while anything more could indicate they’re under-tired. Keep an eye on this, especially during nap transitions. If your little one is consistently taking longer than 15ish minutes to fall asleep, take a peep at their wake windows. If they are already maxed out for their age or if it’s impossible to make longer wake windows work with your current number of naps, it may be time to drop one!
Nap Duration: How long are your kiddo’s naps? If your munchkin is taking short naps consistently, especially if they are less than 30 minutes, and wake up happy, it might be a sign to transition to fewer naps. But hold up! This only applies if your child is an independent sleeper. If your baby or toddler relies on nursing, rocking, or other sleep props to fall asleep, it’s a whole different story. Why? It’s impossible to tell if your little one doesn’t know how to connect sleep cycles, or if they simply aren’t tired enough and need to drop a nap. Many parents prematurely drop a nap because their kiddo won’t sleep more than 30-40 minutes…but the actual solution to the problem is teaching independent sleep skills. Once they learn to connect sleep cycles on their own, the naps naturally lengthen.
Early Riser Alert: Are you greeted by the crack of dawn chorus more often than not? Early mornings, pre-6 am, could be a tell-tale sign that your little one is getting too much daytime sleep, encroaching on their nighttime slumber. While there could be other causes to early morning wakings, needing to transition to less naps is a big one.
Consistency is Key: Keep an eye on these signs for a couple of weeks. If these symptoms of needing to drop a nap are showing up 80% of the time or more for over two weeks, it’s probably time to make a move. But if it’s a sporadic appearance, give it a bit more time before hitting the panic button and prematurely dropping a nap.
So, you’ve deciphered the signs, and it’s time for a nap evolution. Here’s the lowdown:
- Transitioning to 3 or 2 naps? Simply stretch those wake windows a tad and bid adieu to that last nap. Expect an earlier bedtime for a couple of weeks while your baby adjusts.
- Moving to a solo nap? Slow and steady wins the race. Check out my step-by-step guide for a seamless transition. You do not want to just jump into a one-nap schedule as that will result in an overtired disaster. This is a tough transition and will take time!
- Facing a napless future? Fear not, quiet time is your new best friend. Learn how to make the shift from naps to downtime with this blog.
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a nap schedule. It might take a few weeks, even up to six weeks for the big 1-nap transition, for your little one to go back to their old bedtime, to lengthen their current naps, or to stop early morning wakings. Stick to the plan, embrace the early bedtimes, and watch as your little one settles into their new routine. Once you have made a nap transition, try not to go back and forth (3 naps some days, two naps another, for example), as this will prolong their transition.
Feeling lost in the nap wilderness? Unsure if it’s time for a change or if this is just a rough patch? Book a free 15-minute sleep chat with me, and let’s navigate this sleepy journey together. Every tired parent deserves a well-rested child, and maybe a moment of shut-eye themselves.